Join us for this workshop introducing martial artists to elements of body mechanics. Learn why familiarity with how your body moves is essential for training efficiently and safely. You’ll benefit whether you’re an aspiring practitioner or expert.
The workshop includes: an intro to principles of body mechanics, a practical movement lesson, and discussion.
Participants will receive their own copy of Russ Mitchell’s just-published book Basic Body Mechanics for Martial Artists.
Limit: 20. Room for 15 more as of 9/21.
When: Saturday, Oct. 6, 2:30-4 pm
Where: GoodWork, 1808 S. Good Latimer Expwy, Dallas TX 75226
Cost: $25 Early Bird (by Sept. 15, use code EARLYBIRD); $35 in advance; $45 at door
Register here. Use the code “EarlyBird”.
Interested in a group rate? Please email angela at dallasfeldenkrais dot com.

Author Russ Mitchell.
“Russ Mitchell has put together a very nice collection of techniques which will help strengthen your body mechanics and deepen your understanding of optimal, martial movement. If you want to go deeper in your training, buy this book!” — Sifu Chris Bouguyon, MMQ, Founder, SimplyAware, President, National Qigong Association
“Russ taught at November Steel and I watched him work with the attendees. Russ was able to diagnose problems with a glance and work towards fixing them in minutes.”— Anthony Buonomo, Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Russ Mitchell created this approach to body mechanics in the wake of recovering from his own significant injuries. Russ is the founder of Great Plains Sword and BBQ, a historical fencing and martial arts club focused specifically on developing skill in beginning and remedial students. Russ has earned gant jaune in savate and nidan in hoshinroshiryu. He’s internationally recognized as a military sabre instructor, and his collaborative work on Johannes Lecküchner’s messer-fechten is regarded as one of the go-to texts on the subject.