Students engaged in a Feldenkrais lesson.

Feldenkrais Classes & Workshops in Boston & Beyond

Uncover your habits. Learn new possibilities for moving and thinking. Why not? You’ll find more energy, better concentration, more pleasure in moving, and increased joy.
Read success stories here.


Choose between drop-in classes and in-depth series and workshops.

Discover Yourself from the Ground Up Series: Feb.-Mar. 2025 (In Person)

Join us to uncover and change habits which interfere with your ease of moving and thinking.
This 4-week Feldenkrais® series begins with your connection with the ground: your feet, and ends with your head. Each week our focus shifts to a different part of your skeleton, and expands to include your whole self.
Fridays, Feb. 21-Mar. 14, 11:30 am-12:30 pm.

Expect to:

  • Cultivate more energy
  • Breathe more freely, and
  • Access your innate strength more reliably

Cost: $85, or $65 + Pass: 10 Class, Unlimited
Location: The Arlington Center, Arlington, MA.
Register here.

Discover Yourself from the Ground Up Series: Feb.-Mar. 2025 (Virtual)

Uncover habits which interfere with your ease of moving and thinking. Discover how to bring support up and through your entire skeleton. Our focus is re-connecting with your inherent strength and improving your pleasure in inhabiting your physical self.

WHEN: 6 Mondays, Feb. 17-Mar. 24, 6:30-7:40pm ET.
COST: $125. Use code “EARLYBIRD” by Feb. 9, save $10. Register here.

Access Your Innate Strength: Drop in (Virtual)

The theme: connecting with your innate strength, the physical & mental resources you have just below the surface you’ve forgotten about.

Image of Asian woman doing Eyes Organize the Body Awareness Through Movement lessonWHEN: Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm ET. Register here.

WHERE: Wherever you are: class is on Zoom.

COST: Pay what works: $15, $20, $25.
After you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email with info about joining the meeting.
You can come to just one class, all of them, or anything in between.
3 ways to contribute:


Child climbing a rock outside.Do you prefer learning on your own, at the time and in the place that’s right for you? Invest in audio recordings!

Choose between a series and the whole Discover Yourself from the Ground Up set. Find your options here on Soundwise.